Feature article in Frizzifrizzi

A magazine of art and culture in Italy established in 2006.

In the studio mulling mushroom pigment into watercolor paint.

In the studio mulling mushroom pigment into watercolor paint.

Simone Sbarbati featured the Mushroom Color Atlas in the FrizziFrizzi, an Italian Magazine of visual culture. Mushroom Color Atlas: l’atlante cromatico dei pigmenti che si possono ricavare dai funghi.
Photo by Micah Fischer courtesy of WildCraft Studio School.

Mycology & Color: A Chromatic Universe of Mushroom Dyes, Pigments, Paints & Inks

Workshop with Wildcraft Studio in Portland, OR.

Photo by Kelly Turso.

Mushroom Forage, Dyes, Pigments, Paints & Inks

Workshop with Botanical Colors in Seattle, WA.

BioColours 2024 Conference

Presentation panel about Biocolourant Authenticity, Palettes and Potential.